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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Learning new things with LaraX Body By Maitreya.





I do RAW shots without editing when showcasing an item or using an amazing background I've purchased or created myself for a blog set and these need to be seen in TRUE LIGHT. The only editing are the lighting, and the environment that was laid out for the scene. This photo is untouched by a photo editing program! 

Hai There!
Oh have I got a juicy dish for you today! If you'd kindly read this blog in it's entirety you can learn a cool hack/trick for SecondLife clothing that I just discovered with this very dress!

While I'm putting information out there that I myself just learned within the last 24 to 48 hours, I will NOT be blogging this outfit like I would normally but that doesn't there won't be something to take away from this blog because I can assure you there will be valuable info you will learn here today!

This particular dress was NOT made for Maitreya or LaraX. Here's where it gets a little bit trippy!
Since this dress wasn't made for Maitreya v5.3 or earlier let alone LaraX. I thought to my myself, this is why you try the demo's on. None the less because you might be surprised by the bodies you can still wear the outfit. Just because you don't see your size in the package doesn't mean that you really can't wear the outfit, at least not until you try the other body fits to see if you have a match.

This dress was NOT made to fit Maitreya in any version including LaraX. Some time's when I get bored or even tired I can do some silly things. This outfit was no exception, however it proved to me productive in my favor!

I went through all of the body fits and even had a giggle or two, at least until I hit that magical point where the Angels begin to sing their masterpiece chorus and then you realize you just had a profound epiphany hit you....Your wearing LaraX by Maitreya but you just put the body fit of Legacy F on and it fit, so daringly for a laugh yet again you put Belleza's GenX Classic fit on and it fit's like a glove on your LaraX by Maitreya. It hit's you BOOM! I can buy this dress and wear it after all!! I've seen this so far on 3 dresses. GenX, Slink and Legacy CAN SOMETIMES fit your LaraX mesh body.

Advice on wearing unconventional sizes for your LaraX..... Understand that while this works with some outfits and body fit's it's possibly not going to work every time. I MUST insist that you try the Demos before purchasing so that you don't buy in haste only to find out after the fact that you have just made a useless purchase. I'm not responsible for you in haste purchases and I refuse to take the fall for your lack of trying the Demo first to see if you can wear the outfit via match. I've done purchases like that but it was also before I knew that some outfits and body fits work together to actually allow you to cross over into other body fits if the creator didn't make a LaraX fit for the outfit you desire. I DON'T KNOW if it works with any version of Maitreya V5.3 or lower, I honestly didn't try it, I wanted this red dress in LaraX and it didn't come with any Maitreya fit. I am greatful for my goofy moments when I try something just for the hell of it and then my mind is totally blown *BOOM* when I find out I CAN wear an outfit that doesn't support LaraX or Maitryea V5.3 or lower. I'm not going to lie, this made be literally stand up and do the damn happy dance man! So YES do silly things like trying other body fit's on when your size isn't supported! 

NOTE: I can't speak for other bodies as I only use Maitreya V5.3 (and lower) & LaraX. If you give it ago and it works, please let me know inwolrd (just send me a notecard with the info). If it will help us get them cute outfits that designers really don't want to rig or support we will find a way to get what we want without needing to spend $3000L or 10,000L (I don't know the cost of all bodies so I'm just covering the range to be safe). To add yet another body into our inventories to support shit purchases from designers who don't work with say LaraX (it's popularity seems to be manifesting growth with creators and designers alike now). If you don't want to look like a noob in public teleport home try then go buy if it works for your body shape.

This can be a fun and unlimiting experience with clothing alternatives that wasn't planned.
So enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your new found information and have FUN experimenting with your clothing and options that wasnt intended, you might just find the cutest dress or elegant gown or outfit for your next date with your new Hubba Hubba man candy! 

Good Luck and happy shopping!

         Thank you for looking at my blog, it's greatly appreciated!!

Peace & Love

